
What Makes a Good Villain? novel worldbuilding Apr 16, 2024

by Philipi Schneider

It's been a while since I last wrote on this blog! Well, some things have happened in my life. The main one is that I had a child!

Having slightly overco

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It's A Kind Of Magic... Or Physics novel worldbuilding Apr 16, 2024

by Philipi Schneider

In recent weeks, I've played a lot of Elden Ring. I had tried Dark Souls 3 but gave up after just a few minutes — being a PC gamer since the dawn of time, I felt slighted as a pl...

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On Crafting Worlds: The Art of Setting Rules in Fiction novel worldbuilding Oct 16, 2023

by Philipi Schneider

In the intricate process of crafting an imaginary world, a fictional realm that, for now, exists solely in the minds of us at Flesh of Gods, and which we hope will soon take root...

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A New Chapter Begins: Our Upcoming Novel! novel worldbuilding Oct 15, 2023

by Philipi Schneider

As many of you might already know — and if you didn't, you're finding out now — 'Flesh of Gods' will soon, I hope, unveil an original and never-before-seen book, a tale recountin...

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